C# 5.0 API Wrapper for the Universal Subtitles service, which is what the Khan Academy uses as their provider. I'm building this to add subtitles to the Khan Academy for Windows RT app.
Usage is simple:
You can also give the user a list of available languages that are available for this videousing UniversalSubtitles; ... var api = new UniversalSubtitles.v1.Api();
string video_url = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0VWO4asgmk&feature=youtube_gdata_player";
SubtitleLine[] subtitles = await api.SubtitlesAsync(video_url); // returns the subtitles in the video's spoken language
Hope it's useful for someone out there :)Language[] languages = await api.LanguagesAsync(video_url); // display the list of available languages
SubtitleLine[] subtitles = await api.SubtitlesAsync(video_url, "it"); // or you can pass an instance of Language