AppHub members can download the game for play test here, and give us feedback on the game's forum thread here.
I came onto this project rather recently, the game was mostly done. So I've been working for the last few weeks on the leaderboards implementation and other polish tasks and bugs along with a great team: Vic, Dave, Pablo, and Taylor (not to mention the other guys on the credits that worked on the game before I got involved).
One interesting part of this project has been the cross platform development. It's a topic that I'd like to go into more detail another day, but the game builds and runs simultaneously on windows, xbox, and windows phone. There are some definite challenges to this kind of development, especially when you have to consider different input mechanisms and screen/menu layouts on the different platforms. It's been a great experience so far, and it's fueling some thoughts about how to structure code to facilitate cross-platform dev.
We plan on getting the windows phone build out after the xbox version ships. Can't wait to see the feedback we get in playtest, and hopefully we'll ship it soon.