P2P Lending Data

By on 2/2/2011

Just wanted to point you to a recent project of mine which is now ready for consumption: http://p2plendingdata.com

From the site description:
So what's this all about? we take data from LendingClub, mash it up in our database, and try to extract some insight for Peer to Peer investors to use in their search for new notes to invest in.
Since Lending Club so generously let's anyone download a daily dump of their Loan database, it was fairly easy to import it into a database and make some reports. Astute readers will note that I've been toying with this idea for a few months, but it was only the recent launch of AppHarbor that pushed me to polish it up and get it out there.

It's obviously relatively simple at this time, but I do have plans to add additional features. Namely:
  • oData endpoint so users can use something like PowerPivot to slice and dice the data to their heart's content.
  • Statistical ratings of individual notes.
  • More reports!
If you are a lending club investor and find this useful, please let me know in the comments, via email, or on twitter.

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