Back in Orlando

By on 7/27/2012

Well that was fun :) It was only two years ago that I moved to NYC. In that time, I made a ton of new friends, had great conversations, and expanded my horizons by changing my focus to mobile development. It was an amazing experience, and I'm glad I had it. That being said, I am glad to be back in Orlando amongst family and friends. Working from home will be an interesting experience. I've done it before, but always under slightly different circumstances. I plan on visiting several co-working spaces from time to time ... there's been lots of exciting activity going on in Orlando, so I'm looking forward to getting to know more of the tech community here.

But, as they say, time stands still for no man; so I've already got a few events coming up that you should totally come to and participate in! There's a few other things in the works ... it's an amazing time to be a developer :)

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