Scurvy.Test v1.2 Released

By on 1/16/2010

Quick on the heals of yesterday's post, I've released v1.2 of Scurvy.Test. This is the first official release of the framework and improvements over the initial announcement are mainly centered around the status reporting of test pass/failure.  I also upgraded the solution to vs 2k8 and xnags 3.1.

Here's the changelog if you're interested:
  • Introduced TestStatusReporter to make reporting test status easier. DefaultReporter writes to the debug output, while the test console app implements a custom ConsoleReporter that writes it out to the stdout instead.
  • Added additional methods and overloads to the Assert class for more assert options and the ability to replace your own custom TestStatusReporter instance.
  • Added XBox version of Scurvy.Test assembly
  • Upgraded solution to visual studio 2008
  • now using SVN bindings instead of TFS Explorer
  • Upgraded sample xna project to GS 3.1
  • Added custom XNA test status reporter to sample project

See more in the archives